Shooting Over or Under the Mark: Towards a Reliable and Flexible Anticipation in the Economy.

p. 305-314


The real monetary economy is grounded upon monetary flow equilibration or the activity of actualizing monetary flow continuity at each economic agent except for the central bank. Every update of monetary flow continuity at each agent constantly causes monetary flow equilibration at the neighborhood agents. Every monetary flow equilibration as the activity of shooting the mark identified as monetary flow continuity turns out to be off the mark and constantly generate the similar activities in sequence. Monetary flow equilibration ceaselessly reverberating in the economy performs two functions. One is to seek an organization on its own, and the other is to perturb the ongoing organization. Monetary flow equilibration as the agency of seeking and perturbing its organizational so serves as a means of predicting its behavior. The likely organizational behavior could be the one that remains most robust against monetary flow equilibration as an agency of applying perturbations.


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Bibliographical reference

Koichiro Matsuno, « Shooting Over or Under the Mark: Towards a Reliable and Flexible Anticipation in the Economy. », CASYS, 5 | 2000, 305-314.

Electronic reference

Koichiro Matsuno, « Shooting Over or Under the Mark: Towards a Reliable and Flexible Anticipation in the Economy. », CASYS [Online], 5 | 2000, Online since 07 October 2024, connection on 07 March 2025. URL :


Koichiro Matsuno

Department of BioEngineering Nagaoka University of Technology Nagaoka 940-2I88, Japan

By this author


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