The Study of Animal Autonomy to Investigate the Origin of the Other Self

p. 221-232


One can never identify the basis of the performance of the other self. However, the other selfcan beapproved when one finds out (constitutes) such a basis. The concept of the other self is characterized by this intangibility of the basis of the performance and observer's inevitable understanding of it, and its investigation is to consider how to constitute the model to understand such a contradictory aspect. I considert hat the aspect of appearance of animal autonomy in an observer is the very appropriate model.Then, I have constituted some behavioral experiments and suggested a methodology for ‘the science to understand the other self'. This study deeply correlates with psychology and cognitive science that investigate the origin of the mind and representation.


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Bibliographical reference

Tohru Moriyama, « The Study of Animal Autonomy to Investigate the Origin of the Other Self », CASYS, 5 | 2000, 221-232.

Electronic reference

Tohru Moriyama, « The Study of Animal Autonomy to Investigate the Origin of the Other Self », CASYS [Online], 5 | 2000, Online since 10 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Tohru Moriyama

Graduate Schoolof Science & Technology, Kobe University, 1-1Rokkodaicho, Nada, Kobe 657-0013, Japan

By this author


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