Perspectives on the Design of Musical Auditory Interfaces
p. 227-241
This paper addresses the issue of music as a communication medium in auditory human-computer interfaces. So far, psychoacoustics has had a great influence on the development of auditory interfaces, directly and through music cognition. We suggest that a better understanding of the processes involved in the perception of actual musical excerpts should allow musical auditory interface designers to exploit the communicative potential of music. In this respect, we argue that the real advantage of music as a communication medium relies on the richness of its specifically musical meanings rather than on its formal structure. Finally, we propose a method for automating the design of musical auditory interfaces, in order to make this design possible to non-musician designers.
Bibliographical reference
Grégory Leplâtre and Stephen A. Brewster, « Perspectives on the Design of Musical Auditory Interfaces », CASYS, 4 | 1999, 227-241.
Electronic reference
Grégory Leplâtre and Stephen A. Brewster, « Perspectives on the Design of Musical Auditory Interfaces », CASYS [Online], 4 | 1999, Online since 08 October 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Grégory Leplâtre
Department of Computing Science, University of Glasgow
Stephen A. Brewster
Department of Computing Science, University of Glasgow