All issues

  • 20 | 2008Volume 20

    Physics, Quantum Particles, and Relativistic Gravitation ; Predictive Models and Agents - Mathematical and Logic Systems ; Programming and Automata - Soft Computing and Software
    Issue contents
  • 19 | 2006Volume 19

    Operations Research and Risk Management Models ; Engineering Systems, Optimization and Simulation ; Vigier Session ; 5th BCSCMsG International Symposium
    Issue contents
  • 18 | 2006Volume 18

    Computing Systems, Simulation and Information Networks ; Soft Computing, Fuzzy Systems and Neural Networks ; Cognition, Psychology, Disease and Medical System
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  • 17 | 2006Volume 17

    Physical Systems, Quantum Mechanics and Relativity ; Mathematical Modelling Dynamical Systems and Control ; Systems Science, Anticipation, Incursion and Hyperincursion
    Issue contents
  • 16 | 2004Volume 16

    Real, Imaginary, Symbolic ; Theoretical Physics, Quantum Mechanics and Relativity ; The Universe, the Nothing that is !
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  • 15 | 2004Volume 15

    Dynamic, Stochastic and Statistical Models ; Economic Models, Social Systems and Management ; Engineering Systems, Control and Learning
    Issue contents
  • 14 | 2004Volume 14

    Anticipatory Systems and Cybernetics ; Soft Computing and Computational Intelligence ; Computer Science and Simulation Models
    Issue contents
  • 13 | 2002Volume 13

    Evolution and Anticipation of Living and Social Systems ; Anticipatory Decision and Planning in Economy ; The Anticipatory Quantum Biosphere, Learning from Nature
    Issue contents
  • 12 | 2002Volume 12

    Soft Computing and Computational Intelligence ; Cognitive, Neural, and Psychoanalytical Anticipation ; Computer Science, Data and Knowledge Systems
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  • 11 | 2002Volume 11

    Anticipation, Incursion, Logics, and Epistemology ; Physical, Quantum, and Relativist Systems ; Mathematical Systems and Anticipatory Engineering
    Issue contents