82, Numéros, Issues, numeros

Un nichoir flottant pour grèbe huppé (Podiceps cristatus) – Cahiers d'étiologie dupliquée

Un nichoir flottant pour grèbe huppé (Podiceps cristatus)

  • A floating nesting raft for Great Crested Grebes

p. 129-139


Great Crested Grebes are fastly expanding in Western Europe, especially in Belgium thanks to protection since 1956 and are showing a growing tolerance towards human beings and their activities. Some nests are now exposed in full view and the birds do not require any longer a thick vegetation to hide them. In some places however, some nests that had been hooked at a submerged twig had to suffer quick water level fluctuations owing to repeated flooding from a nearby sluice, which resulted in nests and eggs being lost. A floating nesting raft, which is described, has been successfully tested and appeared to be an attractive nest support able to face water level fluctuations.

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Référence papier

S. Houbart et Jean-Claude Ruwet, « Un nichoir flottant pour grèbe huppé (Podiceps cristatus) », Cahiers d'étiologie dupliquée, 2 | 2016, 129-139.

Référence électronique

S. Houbart et Jean-Claude Ruwet, « Un nichoir flottant pour grèbe huppé (Podiceps cristatus) », Cahiers d'étiologie dupliquée [En ligne], 2 | 2016, mis en ligne le 21 December 2023, consulté le 10 January 2025. URL : https://popups.lib.uliege.be/test/index.php?id=173


S. Houbart

Laboratoire d’Éthologie, Institut de Zoologie de l’Université, Quai Van Beneden, 22, B-4020 Liège.

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Jean-Claude Ruwet

Laboratoire d’Éthologie, Institut de Zoologie de l’Université, Quai Van Beneden, 22, B-4020 Liège.

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