Les hématites oolithiques du Néolithique ancien et du Mésolithique de Basse-Normandie (France) : caractérisation physico-chimique et recherche des provenances

  • Early Neolithic & Mesolithic oolitic ironstones from Basse-Normandie (France) : chemical and physical characterization and provenance study

p. 89-119


Oolitic ironstones (OIS) disccovered at archaeological (Early Neolithic & Mesolithic) sites in the Caen region (Basse-Normandie, France) were analyzed and compared with Ordovician OIS sampled in geological sites in Basse-Normandie, in order to establish the source of the raw materials used in prehistory. Samples of OIS were analyzed and characterized by X-ray diffraction (whole rock and clay fraction), LA-ICP-MS, HH-XRF and PIXE. Ironstone objects from Colombelles (early Neolithic) show compositions that are different from those recovered at Biéville-Beuville (final Mesolithic). Those at Colombelles were initially extracted from slightly weathered ironstone layers and it is suggested here that their extraction required extra digging to reach less weathered hematite-rich material. In contrast, OIS from Biéville-Beuville have a mineralogical composition indicative of more intense weathering, which might indicate collection of surface material. The final Mesolithic raw material of Biéville-Beuville seems to have been obtained through a different mode of acquisition than that utilized during the early Neolithic. Our research allows us to conclude that all the archaeological OIS from the Plain of Caen are of local or regional origins and that Devonian (Lower Famennian, Frasnian) OIS from Belgium, Lower/Middle Devonian, OIS from the Eifel (Germany) or Mesozoic OIS from Lorraine (in the three border areas between the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Belgium and France) are totally lacking. Early Neolithic sites in Belgium contain no oolitic ironstone imported from Normandy. As a consequence, we can conclude that for this specific raw material, there is a lack of exchange between early Neolithic Belgian populations (Hesbaye and Dendre Springs) and the population of the Plain of Caen.


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Référence papier

Éric Goemaere, Hélène Salomon, Cyrille Billard, Guirec Querré, François Mathis, Mark Golitko, Carole Durbrulle-Brunaud, Xavier Savary et Roland Dreesen, « Les hématites oolithiques du Néolithique ancien et du Mésolithique de Basse-Normandie (France) : caractérisation physico-chimique et recherche des provenances », ERAUL, 143 | 2016, 89-119.

Référence électronique

Éric Goemaere, Hélène Salomon, Cyrille Billard, Guirec Querré, François Mathis, Mark Golitko, Carole Durbrulle-Brunaud, Xavier Savary et Roland Dreesen, « Les hématites oolithiques du Néolithique ancien et du Mésolithique de Basse-Normandie (France) : caractérisation physico-chimique et recherche des provenances », ERAUL [En ligne], 143 | 2016, mis en ligne le 29 November 2024, consulté le 10 January 2025. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/3041-5527/index.php?id=650


Éric Goemaere

Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, DO Terre et Histoire de la Vie, Service géologique de Belgique, 13, rue Jenner, 1000 Bruxelles (Belgique)

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Hélène Salomon

Service de Préhistoire, F.R.S.-FNRS, Université de Liège, 7, place du XX août, 4000 Liège (Belgique)

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Cyrille Billard

DRAC Normandie, Service régional de l’archéologie, 13bis, rue Saint-Ouen, 4052 Caen cedex 04 (France)

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Guirec Querré

Université de Rennes 1, Laboratoire Archéosciences Rennes, CReAAH - UMR6566 CNRS, 263, avenue du Général Leclerc, Campus de Beaulieu - CS 74205, 35042 Rennes Cedex (France)

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François Mathis

Université de Liège, Centre Européen d’Archéométrie, 10, Allée du 6 Août, Sart Tilman, 4000 Liège (Belgique)

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Mark Golitko

Department of Anthropology, University of Notre Dame, 621, Flanner Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 (USA) ; Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois 60605 (USA)

Carole Durbrulle-Brunaud

UMR-CNRS 6143, Université de Caen, 2-4, rue des Tilleuls, 14000 Caen (France)

Xavier Savary

Service d’archéologie du département du Calvados, 36, rue Fred Scamaroni, 14000 Caen (France)

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Roland Dreesen

Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, DO Terre et Histoire de la Vie, Service géologique de Belgique, 13, rue Jenner, 1000 Bruxelles (Belgique)

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