Cry wolf! The engraved pebble of Grotta Polesini (central Italy)

p. 99-108


Canids are extremely rare in the in the artistic record of the Palaeolithic, as Leroi-Gourhan (1992) remarked. Here we describe an engraved wolf on a pebble from Grotta Polesini near Rome, discovered in the middle of last century by A.M. Radmilli, a professional archaeologist of the time. Not only is it an exceptional depiction, but ever since Radmilli (1954, 1957, 1974) described it as an outstanding example of hunting magic, it has been often quoted recurrently as supporting evidence of this magic activity, and even as a “smoking gun” validating the theory itself. We discuss how this theory arose, some of its critics, and why the engraved wolf in question is not a case of hunting magic.


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Bibliographical reference

Gianpiero di Maida and Margherita Mussi, « Cry wolf! The engraved pebble of Grotta Polesini (central Italy) », ERAUL, 148 | 2017, 99-108.

Electronic reference

Gianpiero di Maida and Margherita Mussi, « Cry wolf! The engraved pebble of Grotta Polesini (central Italy) », ERAUL [Online], 148 | 2017, Online since 29 November 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Gianpiero di Maida

Graduate School Human Development in Landscapes, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany

Margherita Mussi

Dipartimento di Scienze delle Antichità, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

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