Kostenki 14 : the unusual earliest Eastern European Cromagnon in light of palaeoradiology
p. 93-97
Bibliographical reference
Mariya B. Mednikova, « Kostenki 14 : the unusual earliest Eastern European Cromagnon in light of palaeoradiology », ERAUL, 147 | 2017, 93-97.
Electronic reference
Mariya B. Mednikova, « Kostenki 14 : the unusual earliest Eastern European Cromagnon in light of palaeoradiology », ERAUL [Online], 147 | 2017, Online since 26 November 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/3041-5527/index.php?id=533
Mariya B. Mednikova
Institute of Archaeology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
One of the earliest in Eastern Europe anatomically modern man Kostenki 14 was particular from morphological point because of his low stature. Radiological research provided with use of microfocus digital X-ray as well microCTscanning revealed additional peculiarities of this individual. It was detected that Kostenki 14 male had exceptionally heavy skeleton because of thick walls of tubular bones and reduce of medullary space. Symmetrical location of medullary stenosis, which is complete in small tubular bones of hands, indicates systemic bone condition, probably, hereditary disease. The paper considers differential diagnostics based on modern clinical, radiological and genetic data. The morphological picture of Kostenki 14 corresponds to modern inherited diseases manifesting as elevated bone density with diaphyseal involvement. The deposition of solid bone in space of medullary canal is clear seen on the microCT slices of small tubular bones. The skeletal condition indicates reduced secretion of thyroid hormone, i.e. hypothyroidism. In row of hereditary disorders with diaphyseal involvement Kenny Caffey syndrome is associated with clinically detected growth retardation, typical for K14 man. A Palaeolithic hunter with hereditary disease like Kenny Caffey syndrome could suffer from anemia, back pain, often convulsions, parhesthesia or even from ophtalmologic disorder. Accomplished hyperopia could be useful for distant animals watching, but provided risk of traumas in short distant manipulations.