Personal ornaments and decorated objects from the Early Upper Paleolithic site of Sungir

p. 73-84


The general analysis of material culture of the Early Upper Paleolithic site of Sungir is complicated and hotly disputes. Personal ornaments and portable art objects – beads, pendants, zoomorphic figurines, engravings – have been the subject of study. However, in-depth study of all the giant complex (more than 15,000 items) of these objects was not provided.

The first results of a new comprehensive study of personal ornaments and decorated objects allow re-evaluate the value of this material to characterize the relationship of different parts of site, as well as burials. The solution of this problem is particularly helped the identification of individual techniques of manufacture of beads certain types.

New evidence of ornamental decoration on ivory objects, including all the figurines, found in the result of work with a collection from O.N. Bader excavations. Results of the study of ornament manufacturing techniques and principles of its location revealed some typical cultural characteristics Sungir.

Certain influence on the technique of manufacturing certain types of Sungirian pendants had a cultural traditions Initial Upper Paleolithic of the Russian Plain (eg., Kostenki XVII/2). Aurignacian features in personal ornaments and ornament patterns are similar both in the rare materials of the Russian Plain (Kostenki I/3), and in the materials from Central and Western Europe. Using personal ornaments on the burial suits are similar to the materials of the early Gravettian of Moravia (the problem of the influence direction has not been studied).

This is a complex mosaic of cultural influences in the Sungir materials provides a new look at the cultural and historical processes (including migration of people and ideas) that took place in Europe in the Early Upper Paleolithic.


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Bibliographical reference

Vladislav S. Zhitenev, « Personal ornaments and decorated objects from the Early Upper Paleolithic site of Sungir », ERAUL, 147 | 2017, 73-84.

Electronic reference

Vladislav S. Zhitenev, « Personal ornaments and decorated objects from the Early Upper Paleolithic site of Sungir », ERAUL [Online], 147 | 2017, Online since 26 November 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Vladislav S. Zhitenev

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of History, 119991, Russia, Moscow, Lomonosovsky prospekt, 27/4