A Yabroudian Equid skull and upper cheek teeth from the site of Hummal (El Kowm, Syria)

p. 263-270


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Bibliographical reference

Hani El Suede, « A Yabroudian Equid skull and upper cheek teeth from the site of Hummal (El Kowm, Syria) », ERAUL, 126 | 2011, 263-270.

Electronic reference

Hani El Suede, « A Yabroudian Equid skull and upper cheek teeth from the site of Hummal (El Kowm, Syria) », ERAUL [Online], 126 | 2011, Online since 26 November 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/3041-5527/index.php?id=462


Hani El Suede

Institute for Prehistory and Archaeological Science (IPAS) University of Basel, Switzerland

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