Placing the Aurignacian from Banat (Soutwestern Romania) into the European Early Upper Paleolithic context

p. 243-277


During the 1983 UISPP congress in Liège, F. Mogoșanu presented the results of his earlier investigations on the Paleolithic in the Romanian Banat. The Upper Paleolithic of this area was viewed as a chronologically late manifestation of the Central European Krems-Dufour type Aurignacian. After a long break in research, new investigations in the settlements at Coșava, Româneşti-Dumbrăviţa and Tincova have been undertaken, leading to an improved knowledge of the regional Upper Paleolithic.

The present contribution reports the first results of the comparative techno-typological and attribute analysis of the lithic assemblages at Tincova, Coșava and Româneşti-Dumbrăviţa, involving both old and recently excavated collections. Strengthening the conclusions reached by the lithic studies, the first chronometric assessments (TL and OSL) for the recently excavated open-air site of Româneşti-Dumbrăviţa I place the Aurignacian of this site into an early stage of this technocomplex. However, the attempt for incorporating the regional record into the European Early Upper Paleolithic context remains difficult and raises serious issues regarding the acknowledged divisions of the European Aurignacian and, consequently, the expansion of this cultural phenomenon across Europe.


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Bibliographical reference

Valéry Sitlivy, Mircea Anghelinu, Viktor P. Chabai, Loredana Niță, Thorsten Uthmeier, Thomas Hauck, Ionuț Băltean, Alexandra Hilger and Christoph Schmidt, « Placing the Aurignacian from Banat (Soutwestern Romania) into the European Early Upper Paleolithic context », ERAUL, 140 | 2014, 243-277.

Electronic reference

Valéry Sitlivy, Mircea Anghelinu, Viktor P. Chabai, Loredana Niță, Thorsten Uthmeier, Thomas Hauck, Ionuț Băltean, Alexandra Hilger and Christoph Schmidt, « Placing the Aurignacian from Banat (Soutwestern Romania) into the European Early Upper Paleolithic context », ERAUL [Online], 140 | 2014, Online since 20 November 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :


Valéry Sitlivy

Institute of Prehistoric Archaeology, University of Cologne, Germany

Mircea Anghelinu

Facultatea de Ştiinţe Umaniste, Universitatea Valahia Târgovişte, Romania

By this author

Viktor P. Chabai

Department of Crimean Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Loredana Niță

Facultatea de Ştiinţe Umaniste, Universitatea Valahia Târgovişte, Romania

Thorsten Uthmeier

Institute of Prehistoric Archaeology, University of Erlangen, Germany

Thomas Hauck

Institute of Prehistoric Archaeology, University of Cologne, Germany

Ionuț Băltean

Heritage Advice S.R.L., Alba Iulia, Romania

Alexandra Hilger

Department of Geography, University of Cologne, Germany

Christoph Schmidt

Department of Geography, University of Cologne, Germany