Site formation processes of the Lower Palaeolithic layer 18 in Hummal (Syria)
p. 361-366
Numerous well-preserved finds were excavated in an archaeological level within the Lower Palaeolithic part of the Sequence of Hummal, in El Kowm (Syria). The rich archaeological level shows a remarkable high find density, a lithic assemblage dominated by pebble tools, simple flake tools and handaxes. The faunal remains are numerous but fragmented due to post-depositional processes. This taphonomic study of the lithic and faunal assemblage proves the integrity of the assemblage and shows that it was deposited and covered in a short time episode.
Bibliographical reference
Fabio Wegmüller, « Site formation processes of the Lower Palaeolithic layer 18 in Hummal (Syria) », ERAUL, 148 | 2017, 361-366.
Electronic reference
Fabio Wegmüller, « Site formation processes of the Lower Palaeolithic layer 18 in Hummal (Syria) », ERAUL [Online], 148 | 2017, Online since 06 December 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :
Fabio Wegmüller
IPNA, University of Basel