Problèmes de conservation et de gestion au parc national de l’Akagera et au domaine de chasse du Mutara (Rwanda)
La décennie 1968-1978
p. 81-103
The Akagera National Parc and the Mutara Hunting Reserve cover 300.000 Ha in the North-eastern Rwanda. Eco-ethologists have tried to define a research and management policy. According to the diversity of landscapes, the latitudinal extension of the Park, and some climatic irregularities, plant cover and animal populations show quick modifications so that research and management programms have to be regularly up-dated. This first contribution outlines general trends during the 1968- 78 period; main characteristics of the habitats, sensitive areas, anthropic factors of disturbance and evolution are considered. A second one in a forthcoming issue will stress the ecological impact of recent human settlements and development programms (tourism, ranching, fisheries, dam-building).
Bibliographical reference
Nicole Monfort, « Problèmes de conservation et de gestion au parc national de l’Akagera et au domaine de chasse du Mutara (Rwanda) », Cahiers d'éthologie, 1 (1) | 1981, 81-103.
Electronic reference
Nicole Monfort, « Problèmes de conservation et de gestion au parc national de l’Akagera et au domaine de chasse du Mutara (Rwanda) », Cahiers d'éthologie [Online], 1 (1) | 1981, Online since 26 January 2024, connection on 10 January 2025. URL :