Ecological Crisis as Ordinary Evolutionary Events Canalised by the Biosphere

p. 105-117


Evolutionary events at different levels of life organisation are interrelated to each other and as well as to panbiospheric processes. Out of several general statements and mechanisms discussed above, we would like to specially note the following : the paradigm of autocanalisation, an ecocentric concept of macroevolution, a license-ecosystem approach, the hypothesis of embryosphere and, at last, a physico-ecological model of biospheric evolution. Ecological crises within the framework of our approaches are just ordinary evolutionary events of biospheric evolution autocanalised by the biosphere itself under the inconstant exogenous conditions on the planet.


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Référence papier

Vladimir F. Levchenko, « Ecological Crisis as Ordinary Evolutionary Events Canalised by the Biosphere », CASYS, 1 | 1998, 105-117.

Référence électronique

Vladimir F. Levchenko, « Ecological Crisis as Ordinary Evolutionary Events Canalised by the Biosphere », CASYS [En ligne], 1 | 1998, mis en ligne le 28 June 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


Vladimir F. Levchenko

Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Thorez av. 44, St.Petersburg, 194223, Russia

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