The Emergence of New Models of Computing : from Digits to Quantum Computing and Beyond

p. 270-290


We begin with a brief review of the basic notions of classical computability theory and the Turing machine. The concept of decidability and computability, as well as the Church-Turing thesis are also introduced. The recently formalized foundations of quantum computability theory are surveyed next. Included are such topics as the universal quantum computer; the use of quantum parallelism in computation; and the Church-Turing principle. We highlight some avenues of research for new computational paradigms and suggest that underlying the new advances in both the theory and practical aspects (actual devices), is a new conceptual basis for interpreting the interactions that produce complex and partially understood processe.


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Référence papier

John E. Gray et A. D. Parks, « The Emergence of New Models of Computing : from Digits to Quantum Computing and Beyond », CASYS, 2 | 1998, 270-290.

Référence électronique

John E. Gray et A. D. Parks, « The Emergence of New Models of Computing : from Digits to Quantum Computing and Beyond », CASYS [En ligne], 2 | 1998, mis en ligne le 28 June 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


John E. Gray

Code N92, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division, Dahlgren, VA 22448

A. D. Parks

Code B10, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division, Dahlgren, VA 22448

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