Synchronization - The Font of Physical Structure

p. 159-176


The computational operation called synchronization, vital for realizing multi-process systems, is described in terms of a Clifford algebra over {-1,0,1}. This provides a two way bridge between the worlds of computation and quantum mechanics, and casts new light on such matters as quantum non-determinism, mechanism and causality, the explicit structure of particles (including dark matter), and the like. We dub this the synchronizational model of quantum mechanics. Oppositely, we show how to represent any computation - sequential or concurrent - in these algebraic terms, thus providing a novel and powerful physically-oriented mathematics for computer science and allied disciplines.


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Référence papier

Michael Manthey, « Synchronization - The Font of Physical Structure », CASYS, 22 | 2008, 159-176.

Référence électronique

Michael Manthey, « Synchronization - The Font of Physical Structure », CASYS [En ligne], 22 | 2008, mis en ligne le 19 September 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


Michael Manthey

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