The Mass Deficiency Correction to Classical and Quantum Mechanical Descriptions : Alike Metric Change and Quantization Nearby an Electric Charge, and a Celestial Body. Part II: Quantum Mechanical Deployment for Both Gravitationally, and Electrically Bound Particles

p. 186-202


Herein a full quantum mechanical deployment is provided on the basis of the frame drawn in the previous Part I. Thus it is striking to find out that occurrences taking place at both atomic and celestial scales, can be described based on similar tools. Accordingly, the gravitational field, is quantized just like the electric field. The tools in question in return are, as we have shown, founded on solely the energy conservation law.

The relativistic quantum mechanical equation we land at for the hydrogen atom, is equivalent to the corresponding Dirac's relativistic quantum mechanical set up, but is obtained in an incomparably easier way. Following the same path, a gravitational atom can be formulated, in a space of Planck size, with particles bearing Planck masses.

For simplicity, we will enumerate the sections, as well as the equations, in continuity with the corresponding sections and equations drawn in the previous Part I.


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Référence papier

Tolga Yarman et Vladislav B. Rozanov, « The Mass Deficiency Correction to Classical and Quantum Mechanical Descriptions : Alike Metric Change and Quantization Nearby an Electric Charge, and a Celestial Body. Part II: Quantum Mechanical Deployment for Both Gravitationally, and Electrically Bound Particles », CASYS, 17 | 2006, 186-202.

Référence électronique

Tolga Yarman et Vladislav B. Rozanov, « The Mass Deficiency Correction to Classical and Quantum Mechanical Descriptions : Alike Metric Change and Quantization Nearby an Electric Charge, and a Celestial Body. Part II: Quantum Mechanical Deployment for Both Gravitationally, and Electrically Bound Particles », CASYS [En ligne], 17 | 2006, mis en ligne le 18 September 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


Tolga Yarman

Department of Engineering, Okan University Istanbul, Turkey & Savronik, Eskisehir, Turkey

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Vladislav B. Rozanov

Laser Plasma Physics Theory Department, Lebedev Institute, Moscow, Federation of Russia

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