The Whole and its Parts : Are Complementarity and Non-locality Intrinsic to Closed Systems ?

p. 137-146


Systems theory allows formulating general principles of systems behavior which can be applied to all kinds of systems irrespective of the specific nature of their components. In this paper we postulate that non-local correlations and complementarity of observables can be understood as properties intrinsic to all kinds of systems. Their occurence depends on a number of systems theoretical parameters, most importantly the degree of closure of the system. We show in an exemplary way that this systems theoretical perspective could help elucidate observations in quantum mechanical systems (such as entanglement) as well as in other systems (such as psychic phenomena, phenomena in altemative medicine, the 'hard problem' of consciousness and evolution). This paper aims to inspire further thinking and research along these potentially fruitful lines.


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Référence papier

Nikolaus von Stillfried et Harald Walach, « The Whole and its Parts : Are Complementarity and Non-locality Intrinsic to Closed Systems ? », CASYS, 17 | 2006, 137-146.

Référence électronique

Nikolaus von Stillfried et Harald Walach, « The Whole and its Parts : Are Complementarity and Non-locality Intrinsic to Closed Systems ? », CASYS [En ligne], 17 | 2006, mis en ligne le 18 September 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


Nikolaus von Stillfried

University of Freiburg, University Hospital, IUK, Hugstetterstr.55, 79106 Freiburg, Germany

Harald Walach

University of Northampton, School of Social Sciences & Samueli Insitute, European Office, Boughton Green Rd, Northampton NN2 7AL, UK

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