Nano Science: Science in Transition A Borderline Case

p. 76-85


Science is a harsh mistress. Persistently she insists on strict rules when a paper is to be written. Rarely she permits looser regulatives, seldom admits but lightly shirted pensive musings. However, the notions following describe the scientific landscape nano-sciences arise from and are born into in a leisured fashion. Nano-sciences are treated as paradigmatic phenomenon within rapidly changing scientific paradigms, the 'turn' to nano representing a typical example. The name indicates mathematical/ physical origin: a measure used in technology. Scientific base as well as technology application connect 'nano' not only to physical, but also to life systems and life sciences. Nano-sciences mean transdisciplinarity. Scientific investigation faces a borderline attempt. The implications are depicted in their essential qualities.


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Référence papier

Hellmut Loeckenhof, « Nano Science: Science in Transition A Borderline Case », CASYS, 22 | 2008, 76-85.

Référence électronique

Hellmut Loeckenhof, « Nano Science: Science in Transition A Borderline Case », CASYS [En ligne], 22 | 2008, mis en ligne le 16 September 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


Hellmut Loeckenhof

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