The Main Dynamic Characteristics of Autocratic Systems

p. 71-81


The autocratic system is the most common way of function of societies and their various organizations and institutions. The current global recession and economical crisis is bringing a great deal of attention to the causes and mechanisms of these phenomena. In this work we present the abstract-syntactic model of the main dynamic functions of autocratic systems. This model shows the general pathways of development of societies and reflects the current reality very accurately.


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Référence papier

Kazimierz Turkiewicz et Domenika B. Turkiewicz, « The Main Dynamic Characteristics of Autocratic Systems », CASYS, 25 | 2010, 71-81.

Référence électronique

Kazimierz Turkiewicz et Domenika B. Turkiewicz, « The Main Dynamic Characteristics of Autocratic Systems », CASYS [En ligne], 25 | 2010, mis en ligne le 11 September 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


Kazimierz Turkiewicz

Independent, Brisbane, Australia

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Domenika B. Turkiewicz

Independent, Brisbane, Australia

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