Sentences with Associated Geometry

p. 161-179


This communication illustrates the sentence power whose essential function is to integrate the working way of its verb in a more accurate subspace. It is a logic sequel of our article "Language and Geometry". Because the verb is the main component of its sentence, it is logic to present a sentence classification very narrowly related to the verb classification, already done in the previous paper "Language and Geometry". Besides a sentence is the shortest complete unit of language, totally structured. It acts as a semantic synergy for its components. Like vectors, the sentences have a few components which introduce the dimensions of their associated spaces. Sentence performs an idea flow what is a "Z" operator and achieves a wave modulation because it inserts idea into a mute wave which is the carrier. Conversations are dynamic nets of crossed sentences between a few interlocutors to enrich topics meanings. There is analogy between the mind analysis of a text and the tensor formation, what highlights the understanding of text structure. Sentence associated with a describing picture acquires a universal understanding because a picture plays as obvious ideogram or pictogram. This transfer is automatically performed by the mind.


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Référence papier

Jean-Alphonse Doucet, « Sentences with Associated Geometry », CASYS, 24 | 2010, 161-179.

Référence électronique

Jean-Alphonse Doucet, « Sentences with Associated Geometry », CASYS [En ligne], 24 | 2010, mis en ligne le 06 September 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


Jean-Alphonse Doucet

Honorary Professor Engineer In "Département des lngénieurs lndustriels" Province de Liège

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