Anticipation, Interoperability and Service's Quality

p. 395-406


A software system relates with others, and receives or provides services. The way services are provided requires interoperability, and software system adapts and evolves according to the necessities. As consequence, the quality of the service depends on the interaction of several software systems. We approach software evolution under the point of view of Anticipation and Incursion. So, we try to define which could be the parameters and elements that define the future states of the service provision framework. We use the concepts of anticipatory systems, incursion and hyperincursion, in the area of software engineering, evolution and adaptation of systems that form part of a complex system interoperable structure for the provision of services. The final objective is the use of these concepts to improve the service provision quality.


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Référence papier

Juan Jesus Torres Carbonell et P. Paderewski-Rodriguez, « Anticipation, Interoperability and Service's Quality », CASYS, 20 | 2008, 395-406.

Référence électronique

Juan Jesus Torres Carbonell et P. Paderewski-Rodriguez, « Anticipation, Interoperability and Service's Quality », CASYS [En ligne], 20 | 2008, mis en ligne le 03 September 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


Juan Jesus Torres Carbonell

Members of GEDES Research Group (Group on Specification, Development and Evolution of Software), E.T.S. Ingenierias Informática y de Telecomuniación. University of Granada

P. Paderewski-Rodriguez

Members of GEDES Research Group (Group on Specification, Development and Evolution of Software), E.T.S. Ingenierias Informática y de Telecomuniación. University of Granada

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