World-Wide Mind and eThings: Cooperative Virtual World

p. 289-303


Internet has made a revolution that is often being compared to Guttenberg's invention of book print. However, from the point of contents, today's Internet still does not enable to communicate much more than print - words and pictures (albeit dynamic and generated on-the-fly from a database). However, people think in concepts and laws when reasoning about real world things and systems. We propose how these concepts as well as things could be represented on Internet in a live and working form, developed, shared and used for practical purposes by all Internet users. This approach would lead to a cooperative development of an environment containing the Common Sense (similar to Wikipedia, but in a live computational form) and to the seamless interconnection between the real world things and their virtual counterparties - e-things on Internet.


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Référence papier

Augustin Mrazik, « World-Wide Mind and eThings: Cooperative Virtual World », CASYS, 20 | 2008, 289-303.

Référence électronique

Augustin Mrazik, « World-Wide Mind and eThings: Cooperative Virtual World », CASYS [En ligne], 20 | 2008, mis en ligne le 03 September 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


Augustin Mrazik

ARS NOVA s. r. o., Brigadnicka 27, SK-84110 Bratislava, Slovakia

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