Overall Model for an Economic Analysis for Companies with Intermittent Production

p. 211-218


Companies operating with intermittent production need an Economic Analysis to assist them in taking orders from clients with their own projects. In this article we offer an overall model of analysis of the economic aspects relating to the performance of a company with intermittent commissioned production due to the different utilization percentages of their facilities. The proposed model - from the utilization definitions of the company's production capacity, we may be able to analyze all production regions: idleness, saturation and relevant interval. Therefore, in analyzing the economic aspects of the commissioned job the company must take into consideration in which production capacity it will work before accepting a new order in order to obtain the best profit margin.


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Bibliographical reference

Israel Brunstein, Ivanir Schroeder and Jocimari Schroeder, « Overall Model for an Economic Analysis for Companies with Intermittent Production », CASYS, 20 | 2008, 211-218.

Electronic reference

Israel Brunstein, Ivanir Schroeder and Jocimari Schroeder, « Overall Model for an Economic Analysis for Companies with Intermittent Production », CASYS [Online], 20 | 2008, Online since 03 September 2024, connection on 07 March 2025. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=2882


Israel Brunstein

Doctor and Professor of the Department of Production Engineering at the Escola Politecnica of USP. Brazil

By this author

Ivanir Schroeder

Doctor in Production Engineering at the Escola Politecnica of USP and Professor of the UNIVALI. Brazil

Jocimari Schroeder

Doctorate Student in Production Engineering at the Escola Politecnica of USP and Professor of the UNIV ALI. Brazil


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