The Idiosyncrasies of Anticipation in Demiurgic Physical Unification with Teleparallelism

p. 210-225


In their accompanying paper, the present authors have reached a more physical version of the equations of structure of a Kaluza-Klein space that emerges from Finslerian teleparallelism (TP). Those equations pertain to "the physical field" (actually its potential), including the quantum sector. This is demiurgic TP. We signify, as Élie Cartan did, that the field equations imply that spacetime is teleparallel, and not just simply compatible with TP. A "mother of the physics" results, for lack of a better name, meaning that physical "systems" i.e. concepts,formulas and physical theories- emerge from it. We take only a few timid steps in the study of the idiosyncratic manifestation of anticipation in such a theory. Our study of emergence will, we hope, help others deal more authoritatively with anticipation for this new frontier of natural science theory.


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Référence papier

José G. Vargas et Douglas G. Torr, « The Idiosyncrasies of Anticipation in Demiurgic Physical Unification with Teleparallelism », CASYS, 19 | 2006, 210-225.

Référence électronique

José G. Vargas et Douglas G. Torr, « The Idiosyncrasies of Anticipation in Demiurgic Physical Unification with Teleparallelism », CASYS [En ligne], 19 | 2006, mis en ligne le 23 August 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


José G. Vargas

PST Associates, 48 Hamptonwood Way, Columbia, SC 29209

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Douglas G. Torr

PST Associates, 207 Ridgeview RD., Southern Pines, NC 28388

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