Nested Anticipation in Design of Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems

p. 109-122


The presented work deals with a special modelling method that is relevant to analyse reconfigurable manufacturing systems during their design phase and to anticipate their behaviour when they themselves are viewed as anticipatory systems. The technique named nested simulation consists in the simulation of elements that simulate their own environment using their own models. It enables a design process based on on-line predictive simulation to be analysed. Different implementations using SIMULA language have been performed. The features of the tool are presented. The interest for reconfigurable manufacturing systems is discussed.


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Référence papier

Pascal Berruet et Eugene Kindler, « Nested Anticipation in Design of Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems », CASYS, 19 | 2006, 109-122.

Référence électronique

Pascal Berruet et Eugene Kindler, « Nested Anticipation in Design of Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems », CASYS [En ligne], 19 | 2006, mis en ligne le 22 August 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


Pascal Berruet

LESTER, Université de Bretagne Sud

CNRS FRE, 2734

Centre de recherche, Rue St. Maude, BP 92116

F-56321 Lorient CEDEX, France

Eugene Kindler

Ostrava University Faculty of Sciences

CZ-701 03 Ostrava, Dvorakova 7, Czech Republic

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