The Variance-Free Characterization of Heteroscedastic Normal Variables with an Application in Financial Econometrics

p. 60-69


In the presented study it is shown how heteroscedastic normal variables with unknown variance can be characterized by a symmetric beta distribution of the first kind with a known parameter. The presented variance-free characterization technique is illustrated with testing for normality the empirically observed financial return time series. We further suggest one of the possible extensions of the presented method that can be used for statistical learning with applications in real-time and time-critical systems.


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Bibliographical reference

Max V. Moldovan and Nicholas A. Nechval, « The Variance-Free Characterization of Heteroscedastic Normal Variables with an Application in Financial Econometrics », CASYS, 19 | 2006, 60-69.

Electronic reference

Max V. Moldovan and Nicholas A. Nechval, « The Variance-Free Characterization of Heteroscedastic Normal Variables with an Application in Financial Econometrics », CASYS [Online], 19 | 2006, Online since 22 August 2024, connection on 07 March 2025. URL :


Max V. Moldovan

Melbourne Business School - The University of Melbourne

200 Leicester Street, Carlton, Victoria, Australia, VIC 3053

Nicholas A. Nechval

Department of Mathematical Statistics - University of Latvia

Raina Blvd 19, Riga, Latvia, LV 1050

By this author


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