Use of System Dynamics and Modelling in Tourism

p. 48-59


Tourism is a complex system with certain structural and behavioural properties. Problems in tourism are defined softly and solutions require proper methodology. In this paper, methods of system dynamics and system thinking as well as system dynamics models will be discussed. The importance of modelling, which depends on an organisational problem and participants' experiences, will be shown. A causal loop diagram of a tourism system as a part of national strategy will be developed as well as simplified causal loop diagram from the point of view of national tourism market development. A connection between qualitative and quantitative models will be restored.


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Référence papier

Tadeja Jere Lazanski, « Use of System Dynamics and Modelling in Tourism », CASYS, 19 | 2006, 48-59.

Référence électronique

Tadeja Jere Lazanski, « Use of System Dynamics and Modelling in Tourism », CASYS [En ligne], 19 | 2006, mis en ligne le 22 August 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


Tadeja Jere Lazanski

University of Primorska,

TURISTICA- College of Tourism

Sencna pot 10, 6320 Portorose, Slovenia

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