Dual Interpretation by de Broglie/ Schrödinger Waves of the Genes and Genetic Program of Organisms Assimilated to Cybernetic System with Orbital Automatic Self-organization

p. 79-92


The automatically organized cybernetic system is a dynamic system with a large number of elements (atoms molecules) where there occurs an automatic process influencing the reciprocal relations between elements and their functions so that the complex can evolve toward ever more organized states with a view to obtaining certain properties or to fulfilling an objective-function. The structure, functions and the entire cellular activity of an organism are determined by the biochemically codified genetic program in the nucleotides (genes) of dezoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) and ribonucleic acids (RNA). In Schrödinger's theoretical formulation, the electron is no longer conceived as a punctiform structure on a certain orbit, but it takes up a space. The electron forms a charge cloud with the nucleus in its center, this charge cloud or spatial charge is interpreted as a space where there is a certain likelihood of electron localization. The electron is a material wave connected with the nucleus by its electric charge. In this paper we give a dual interpretation by de Broglie (Schrödinger) waves to the genes and the genetic program of the organisms assimilated to cybernetic systems with automatic self-organization of the orbitals occupied by the electrons δ and π .


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Référence papier

Ion I. Mirità, « Dual Interpretation by de Broglie/ Schrödinger Waves of the Genes and Genetic Program of Organisms Assimilated to Cybernetic System with Orbital Automatic Self-organization », CASYS, 14 | 2004, 79-92.

Référence électronique

Ion I. Mirità, « Dual Interpretation by de Broglie/ Schrödinger Waves of the Genes and Genetic Program of Organisms Assimilated to Cybernetic System with Orbital Automatic Self-organization », CASYS [En ligne], 14 | 2004, mis en ligne le 20 August 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=2449


Ion I. Mirità

The University of Petrosani, Str.Universitatii 20 Petrosani, Romania

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