Science Responsibility and Scientists Concern for Evolution of Planet Earth: a Manifesto on Action for the World's Peace and Harmony

p. 3-16


This article is devoted to the ecological problems of our planet and the relationships between Life, Humanity and Earth. The three parts of the present appeal successively deal with the following parts of the tragedy: (i) the technological and economical aspects; (ii) the social and philosophical implications; (iii) the moral and spiritual messages. A new way of thinking about identification of correct behavior and management that would allow the living community to evolve towards a optimum future is sketched and the whole of the scientific community is invited to contribute out of conflicts of interest to fill the appeal with the wisdom that Science should be able to bestow to humanity, in conjunction with Arts and Philosophy whose contribution is emphasized.


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Référence papier

M. Bounias, K. E. Wolff, G. Tsirigotis, V. Krasnobolovets, J. Chandler, V. Burdyuzba et A. Bonaly, « Science Responsibility and Scientists Concern for Evolution of Planet Earth: a Manifesto on Action for the World's Peace and Harmony », CASYS, 19 | 2006, 3-16.

Référence électronique

M. Bounias, K. E. Wolff, G. Tsirigotis, V. Krasnobolovets, J. Chandler, V. Burdyuzba et A. Bonaly, « Science Responsibility and Scientists Concern for Evolution of Planet Earth: a Manifesto on Action for the World's Peace and Harmony », CASYS [En ligne], 19 | 2006, mis en ligne le 20 August 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


M. Bounias

Biomathematics and Toxicol. INRA-DSPE and Avignon University, France

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K. E. Wolff

Mathematics and Science Faculty, Darmstadt Univ. of Applied Sci., Germany

G. Tsirigotis

Dpt. of Elec. Engin., Technol. Educat. Inst. Kavala, Greece

V. Krasnobolovets

Dpt. Theor. Phvs., Inst. Phvs. Natl. Acad. Sci. Kyiv, Ukraine

M. Kljajic

Fac. Organiz. Sci., Univ. Maribor, Slovenia

J. Chandler

Wash. Evolut. Syst. Soc., McLean, VA, USA

V. Burdyuzba

The Astro Space Center of Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow Acad. of Sci., Russia

A. Bonaly

Math., Paris X, France

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