The Heisenberg Energy Partition: Its Role In Evolution

p. 106-113


On the assumption thrat the Cosmos is a single complex energy system, the unified representation of the evolution of material systems presents itself as an important objective of the science of matter. In this short essay, a sketch of the evolutionary mechanism is proposed and the conditions for its extension to human systems adumbrated. The originality of the paper resides in the identification of the main pattern of dynamical relations that repeats itself in the evolution of natural systems and in the identification of the principal evolutionary step, the QMS. The principal constraints responsible for its limitations are also briefly identified.


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Référence papier

George L. Farre, « The Heisenberg Energy Partition: Its Role In Evolution », CASYS, 16 | 2004, 106-113.

Référence électronique

George L. Farre, « The Heisenberg Energy Partition: Its Role In Evolution », CASYS [En ligne], 16 | 2004, mis en ligne le 02 August 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


George L. Farre

Professor Emeritus

Georgetown University

Washington DC, USA

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