Synergy and Sympoiesis in the Writing of Joint Papers (Anticipation with/in Imagination)

p. 347-370


Synergy can be seen as energy liberation by systems integration, as seen in waves sharing a common 'carrier wave'. This paper studies the synergy in co-authorship, i.e. when authors experience new insights that transcend their individual understanding. Synergy couples four perspectives, each with its own 'language' of description : l) the individual viewpoint, 2) the inter-authors relationship, 3) their inner-inter-action dynamics, and 4) new meaning in the joint context. Synergising is an art. The outcomes are the unpredictable consequences of personal involvement in the process. Process integrity determines the quality of the result. It is maintained by the authors managing their feelings to regulate their input in line with what is felt to be the common intent.


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Référence papier

John Wood et Otto Van Nieuwenhuize, « Synergy and Sympoiesis in the Writing of Joint Papers (Anticipation with/in Imagination) », CASYS, 18 | 2006, 347-370.

Référence électronique

John Wood et Otto Van Nieuwenhuize, « Synergy and Sympoiesis in the Writing of Joint Papers (Anticipation with/in Imagination) », CASYS [En ligne], 18 | 2006, mis en ligne le 01 August 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


John Wood

Goldsmiths College, University of London

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Otto Van Nieuwenhuize

Independent Research Scientist, Amsterdam

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