Knowledge Processing in an Anticipatory and a Non-Anticipatory Mode

p. 239-251


It is shown that classical logic is too restricted for an understanding of many effects in modern physics. A more general logic, that distinguishes betwcen anticipatory and non anticipatory knowledge processing is introduced. The cognition procçss, that deduces from the measurements the physical laws with this logic, provides a unified view of quantum mechanics and relativity theory.


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Bibliographical reference

Hanns Sommer, « Knowledge Processing in an Anticipatory and a Non-Anticipatory Mode », CASYS, 6 | 2000, 239-251.

Electronic reference

Hanns Sommer, « Knowledge Processing in an Anticipatory and a Non-Anticipatory Mode », CASYS [Online], 6 | 2000, Online since 19 June 2024, connection on 07 March 2025. URL :


Hanns Sommer

Department of Mechanical Engineering (FB 15), University of Kassel (GHK), Mönchebergstr. 7, 34109 Kassel, Germany

By this author


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