Trans, Inter, Mono-disciplinary Approaches Upon the (Computing) Anticipatory Systems

p. 150-163


One of the primary social and economic tasks (or … trouble, but mental gift) is to be aware of beforehand. It would mean : care for the future, task concerned with or applying to the future, procedure(s) of prediction / estimation. But, the social and economic tasks are not isolated. There are complex mental concepts related to the becoming of any human being, and to our societal aggregation. It is the entire auticipation by, with, and in us, society, and world - as an anticipatory system. The New Economy, the Information Society, the Knowledge Society are mental constructs as large as to receive an entire meaning. A corresponding string (comprising the relation : mental concept <=> mental constructs) would be : the foresight, prospective task, forecasting - sustained by trans, inter, and mono-disciplinary approaches of the humankind into our reality and virtuality.


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Référence papier

Nicolae Bulz, « Trans, Inter, Mono-disciplinary Approaches Upon the (Computing) Anticipatory Systems », CASYS, 15 | 2004, 150-163.

Référence électronique

Nicolae Bulz, « Trans, Inter, Mono-disciplinary Approaches Upon the (Computing) Anticipatory Systems », CASYS [En ligne], 15 | 2004, mis en ligne le 30 July 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


Nicolae Bulz

Ecological University Bucharest ; Black Sea University Foundation, str. Dionisie Lupu nr. 50, Bucharest R-70184, Romania

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