Extension of the Use of the "Bond-Graphs" for the Knowledges Processing

p. 353-365


By observing the operational power of the well known structures of the "Bond- Graphs" it is rather obvious that they can bring a valuable help for the topological configurations of the operational storage of informations, that are equivalent to modulations. At first we survey the main specificities of the « Bond-Graphs » used in the energetics for the description of the energy and power flows. From this starting point we deduce the basic influence of the dual structure of the associated variables for describing any kind of flows.

Consequently following the duality path, we reach the tensor spaces where the products of covariant and contravariant factors produce invariante ones, what is the essential property of these tensor configurations. Afterward. an operational analysis of the modulations can also show their intrinsic dual constitution.

We let also discover the formal analogy between modulation and any classification of information. This important constatation underlines the mutual influence between the kind of the used key referentials (covariant frame) and the deep structure of the memorized knowledges (contravariant quantity).


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Référence papier

Jean Alphonse Doucet, « Extension of the Use of the "Bond-Graphs" for the Knowledges Processing », CASYS, 9 | 2001, 353-365.

Référence électronique

Jean Alphonse Doucet, « Extension of the Use of the "Bond-Graphs" for the Knowledges Processing », CASYS [En ligne], 9 | 2001, mis en ligne le 19 July 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=2003


Jean Alphonse Doucet

Haute Ecole Rennequin Sualem,

Départemennt Igénieurs Industriels

Province de Liège

Quai Gloesener 6 B- 4020 Liège

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