Theoretical Computer Simulation Studies of Group Bias in Random Populations

p. 159-174


A mathematical model for a random population has been developed and implemented in computer simulations of group bias within populations. For uncorrelated categorical attribution and bias, althought he average bias characterizing different populations may differ dramatically, groups within a given population are found to have remarkably similar biases. For correlated categorical attribution and bias, the tendency of the groups within a given population to have similar biases is reduced. That is, groups within a population now exhibit a greater range of biases. This latter model, which is based upon assumptions that are more realistic, thus leads to results that are more realistic.


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Bibliographical reference

Barry Zeeberg, « Theoretical Computer Simulation Studies of Group Bias in Random Populations », CASYS, 9 | 2001, 159-174.

Electronic reference

Barry Zeeberg, « Theoretical Computer Simulation Studies of Group Bias in Random Populations », CASYS [Online], 9 | 2001, Online since 18 July 2024, connection on 20 September 2024. URL :


Barry Zeeberg

4378 N. Pershing Dr. #1

Arlington VA 22203

By this author


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