A Possible Symmetry Between Bradyons and Tachyons

p. 226-228


Faster than light tachyons are generaly considered as hypothethical particles. Bradyons, subluminal particles, are part of our common world. We are interested in the interaction between bradyons and tachyons, assuming they exist. The collision between them is well described by the conservation of energy and momentum. Bradyons are caracterized by rest mass m or fundamental energy (c = 1) ; tachyons by pseudo-mass M or fundamental momentum. A bradyon initially at rest is supposed to absorb a tachyon. The bradyon then recoils with a kinetic energy T given by T = M2/2m depending only of two fundamental constants m and M. This would be the base of the tachyo-electric effect. We consider in this paper the possible symetry between bradyons and tachyons.


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Référence papier

Jacques J. Steyaert, « A Possible Symmetry Between Bradyons and Tachyons », CASYS, 11 | 2002, 226-228.

Référence électronique

Jacques J. Steyaert, « A Possible Symmetry Between Bradyons and Tachyons », CASYS [En ligne], 11 | 2002, mis en ligne le 16 July 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=1771


Jacques J. Steyaert

Scavée du Biéreau, 8 - B-1348 Louvain la Neuve, Belgium

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