Q-EEG NeuroBioFeedback : Theoretical Foundations and Anticipatory Properties

p. 195-211


Mental imaging is associated with brain receptor-mediated perception of both external (sensory) and internal (interoceptive and proprioceptive) signals. The accumulation of mental images from early developmental stages provides a reference bank for further adjustment of organism functioning, i.e. homeostasy. Noxious stimuli alter the morphisms connecting neural signals and associated mental images : closed normative feedback control loops are opened into paths, continuity is broken to disease and electroencephalogram(EEG) is correlatively modified. The NeuroBioFeedback (NBF) medical technology corrects mental images through voluntary training of the brain to restore its normal activity upon anticipatory adjustment to a EEG-piloted farther corrective goal. Duration of treatments appears as a function of rehabilitation rates.


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Référence papier

Michel Bounias, « Q-EEG NeuroBioFeedback : Theoretical Foundations and Anticipatory Properties », CASYS, 12 | 2002, 195-211.

Référence électronique

Michel Bounias, « Q-EEG NeuroBioFeedback : Theoretical Foundations and Anticipatory Properties », CASYS [En ligne], 12 | 2002, mis en ligne le 16 July 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL : http://popups.lib.uliege.be/1373-5411/index.php?id=1743


Michel Bounias

The Alexandria Institute of Medicine I.H.S. (New York), INRA-DSPE, & University of Avignon, Biomathématics & Toxicology unit, Domain of Sagne-Soulier, F-07470 Le Lac d'Issarlès, France.

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