CODING-DECODING as General Anticipatory Principle of Bio-Systems Functional Organization

p. [050]-[061]


Activities of living beings are presented as bioinformation procedures of closed-looped coding-decoding. In the process of coding, dynamic states of real dynamical structures of matter and energy are reflected in states of memory structures (DNA, hormones, neuronets). In the process of decoding the activated states of the structures of the memory are re-reflected in the dynamic states of the real structures of matter and energy. This is the essence of control. Biological evolution is interpreted as formation of hierarchically organized dynamic structures of closed-looped coding-decoding and reproduction of them. Increased complexitv of these structures determines a higher level of control.


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Référence papier

Dobilas Kirvelis, « CODING-DECODING as General Anticipatory Principle of Bio-Systems Functional Organization », CASYS, 13 | 2002, [050]-[061].

Référence électronique

Dobilas Kirvelis, « CODING-DECODING as General Anticipatory Principle of Bio-Systems Functional Organization », CASYS [En ligne], 13 | 2002, mis en ligne le 15 July 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


Dobilas Kirvelis

Department of biochemistry and biophysics, Vilnius University

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