Liquid Brain : Kinetic Model of Structureless Parallelism

p. 117-126


A new formal model of parallel computations - the Kirdin kinetic machine – is suggested. It is expected that this model will play the role for parallel computations similar to Markov normal algorithms, Kolmogorov and Turing machine or Post schemes for sequential computations. The basic ways in which computations are realized are described ; correctness of the elementary programs for the Kirdin kinetic machine is investigated. It is proved that the determined Kirdin kinetic machine is an effective calculator. A simple application of the Kirdin kinetic machine - heap encoding – is suggested. Subprograms similar to usual programming enlarge the Kirdin kinetic machine.


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Référence papier

Alexander N. Gorban et Katya O. Gorbunova, « Liquid Brain : Kinetic Model of Structureless Parallelism », CASYS, 6 | 2000, 117-126.

Référence électronique

Alexander N. Gorban et Katya O. Gorbunova, « Liquid Brain : Kinetic Model of Structureless Parallelism », CASYS [En ligne], 6 | 2000, mis en ligne le 18 June 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


Alexander N. Gorban

Institute of Computational Modelling SB RAS, 660036, Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk-36, RUSSIA

Katya O. Gorbunova

Institute of Computational Modelling SB RAS, 660036, Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk-36, RUSSIA

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