Referon Analysis (pReference of Reference)

p. 108-123


Most models of mathematics and physics are incomplete, because they lack a description of their Basis : their system of Reference. The reference system specifies the nature of our involvement in the observation, which determines the singularities of the system, thus the potentials and limitations of any specific model. As each model reflects our nature, the lack of understanding of the nature of our involvement - in our understanding - backfires in unforeseen side-effects of that model. The problems caused to Nature, by contemporary science, is the result of the igroring of the role of our involvement in nature, and the nature of our involvement in the models we make. By making the nature of the reference system that we prefer to use explicit, such problems can be resolved and prevented.


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Référence papier

Otto van Nieuwenhuijze, « Referon Analysis (pReference of Reference) », CASYS, 11 | 2002, 108-123.

Référence électronique

Otto van Nieuwenhuijze, « Referon Analysis (pReference of Reference) », CASYS [En ligne], 11 | 2002, mis en ligne le 12 July 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


Otto van Nieuwenhuijze

Independent Research Scientist, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 17-II Gerard DouStraat, Amsterdam, NL-1072 VJ

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