The Transcendental Role of the Gödelian Non-decidable Propositions in the Diachronic Inclusion of Axiomatic Theories and Metatheories

p. 59-67


The theorems established by the logicians show that the truth value of a proposition, constructed in a logical system S, cannot be enunciated in the system S itself, but in metasystem S', which refers to the proposions of the system S therefore it is not apt be confused with S'.

In the paper, according to Kant's transcendental methodology, where it is asserted that any rational knowledge is either a piece of knowledge from concepts, or a piece of knowledge from the construction of concepts, the transcendental role of the non-decidable Gödelian propositions is considered in the diachronic inclusion of the axiomatic theories and metatheories.


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Référence papier

Ion I. Mirità, Corina Edelhauser et Gabriela Dumbrava, « The Transcendental Role of the Gödelian Non-decidable Propositions in the Diachronic Inclusion of Axiomatic Theories and Metatheories », CASYS, 11 | 2002, 59-67.

Référence électronique

Ion I. Mirità, Corina Edelhauser et Gabriela Dumbrava, « The Transcendental Role of the Gödelian Non-decidable Propositions in the Diachronic Inclusion of Axiomatic Theories and Metatheories », CASYS [En ligne], 11 | 2002, mis en ligne le 09 July 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


Ion I. Mirità

University of Petrosani, Str. Universitatii nr.20 Petrosani, Romania

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Corina Edelhauser

University of Petrosani, Str. Universitatii nr.20 Petrosani, Romania

Gabriela Dumbrava

University of Petrosani, Str. Universitatii nr.20 Petrosani, Romania

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