Knowledge Manifestation in Biological Systems Dynamics

p. 19-28


Recognizing anticipation as a specific form of knowledge and taking specific form of knowledge realization in a physical system (a program for Feynman's universal reversible quantum computer) one gets a definite algebraic property of quantum system's dynamics, which appeares to be closely related with characteristic features of biological systems. This means that physical description of biological systems at quantum level must anyhow contain explicit logical component evoked by the system's intrinsic knowledge. On physical level the fact of such knowledge existance manifest itself in global algebraic properties of its dynamics. Evolution of biological systems in such approach turns out to be an evolution of certain set of interaction constants of system's hamiltonian which makes it possible to implement logical operations as summands of the system's evolution operator.


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Référence papier

V.V. Barkaline et I.A. Miklashevich, « Knowledge Manifestation in Biological Systems Dynamics », CASYS, 11 | 2002, 19-28.

Référence électronique

V.V. Barkaline et I.A. Miklashevich, « Knowledge Manifestation in Biological Systems Dynamics », CASYS [En ligne], 11 | 2002, mis en ligne le 08 July 2024, consulté le 20 September 2024. URL :


V.V. Barkaline

Institute of Mathematics & Cybernetics, Belarussian State Polytechnic Academy, Slobodskoi proezd 4, app.52, Minsk 220025, Belarus

I.A. Miklashevich

Institute of Mathematics & Cybernetics, Belarussian State Polytechnic Academy, Slobodskoi proezd 4, app.52, Minsk 220025, Belarus

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